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Dear Friends!
While sledging around the world, I get a lot of moments of joy and sometimes a little bit of excitement. Over the years, I have learned that the best way to avoid disappointment and stress during the holidays is to stay realistic and appreciate the little joys that life gives us. Here are some tips I’ve learned from my own experience:
I always try to make sure that my Christmas gifts are really personalised. I know that everyone wants a miracle for Christmas, but I’m just another Santa Claus and sometimes I have to make compromises. That’s why I always try to understand and respect people’s real needs and wishes, not just the ones on their list.
Just as in the Arctic, in other parts of the world, open communication is the best way to avoid misunderstandings. The elves and I talk a lot about gifts, itineraries and how to make children the happiest. It helps to make sure everyone is clear about their responsibilities and expectations.
I will start planning for next Christmas in the summer. I know how important thinking ahead is to a successful holiday season. My elves and I go through the gift lists and carefully consider what is needed to make sure everyone gets their gifts. This saves us a lot of stress in December.
Even the best-laid plans can fail if there is a sudden snowstorm or if one of the reindeer falls ill. In that case, I need flexibility. My elves and I are always ready with Plan B so I can make sure all the children are smiling on Christmas morning.
It’s easy to forget ourselves during the holidays, but I always take time to recharge. A hot cocoa, a good book, or a little relaxation with Mrs. Claus can do wonders.
My friends, remember that the real magic of Christmas is not in the perfectly executed plans, but in the love and joy we share with each other. Trust each other, share your joys and be open to new experiences. That way every Christmas will be unforgettable.
Happy Holidays, Santa Claus and AgadoPro-Academy