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A good leader not only makes decisions, but listens, listens and responds. If employees feel that their ideas are dying out without being heard, this can lead to serious problems in the long term for the company – and managers often realise this too late.
But what exactly happens in an organisation when ideas don’t get attention? And more importantly, how can management change this? 🚀
If employees feel that they have no impact on the company’s operations because their suggestions don’t matter, they will lose enthusiasm after a while. People become passive and no longer seek to contribute to the company’s development.
👉 What can management do?
✅ Create a transparent idea management process! – It is important that employees know where and how to submit their suggestions.
✅ Give feedback – Even if an idea is rejected, explain why it is not feasible. This keeps employees engaged.
The company’s development also feeds on the ideas of its employees. They are the closest to the problems and opportunities and are often better placed to see what improvements are needed. If these ideas are not taken into account, the company can stagnate and be at a competitive disadvantage.
👉 What can management do?
✅ Be open to new ideas and initiatives.
✅ Appoint people responsible for managing innovation. – If a team or person is dedicated to improvement proposals, there is a better chance of real change.
✅ Test pilot projects! – Not all ideas require an immediate large investment. A small, risk-free test can help you decide whether a proposal is worth taking forward.
Talented and motivated employees do not want to work in an environment where their ideas are not valued. If they find that they have no impact on the future of the company, they will sooner or later look elsewhere for development opportunities.
👉 What can management do?
✅ Create an environment where employees feel that their opinions matter!
✅ Create a regular brainstorming or innovation forum! – A dedicated time every month or quarter to discuss ideas can reduce attrition.
✅ Reward innovation! – A small incentive, either financial or in the form of recognition, can motivate employees to actively participate.
If management ignores ideas, employees will not communicate honestly after a while. Instead of encouraging improvement, a fear-based, distrustful atmosphere can develop where everyone is playing to survive.
👉 What can management do?
✅ Ensure transparency! – Make the process of managing ideas transparent, so everyone knows what happens to the proposals.
✅ Encourage open communication! – A leader should actively seek feedback, not just wait for it.
✅ Be actively involved in the innovation process! – When managers get involved in innovation, it stimulates the whole organisation.
If managers recognise that employees’ ideas are valuable and are willing to change their attitudes, the whole organisation can benefit.
➡ Don’t let proposals “disappear”! A simple system (e.g. internal form, monthly brainstorming sessions) can help ensure that all ideas get attention.
➡ Employees feel valued when they know that their ideas have an impact – even if they are not being implemented.
➡ Not all ideas require immediate full implementation. Smaller pilot projects can help to test new ideas with minimal risk.
➡ A simple “Excellent Idea” award or public recognition within the company can be enough to make employees feel that what they do matters.
If a company ignores the ideas of its employees, it can be detrimental to competitiveness and employee satisfaction in the long run. A good leader recognises that innovation comes from people and works consciously to support it.
👉 The question is not whether the team has good ideas – it’s what the management does with them. 🚀
Attila Jezsó
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